Censo Agro-Bovinos de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (2016)

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Data by department from the agricultural census conducted by INDEC in the Province of Buenos Aires in October 2016.

Source: INDEC / Aeroterra.

District / DepartmentTotal Cattle
Adolfo Alsina175.906Show more
Adolfo Gonzales Chaves112.311Show more
Alberti24.603Show more
Almirante Brown84Show more
Avellaneda0Show more
Ayacucho446.393Show more
Azul386.449Show more
Bahía Blanca103.068Show more
Balcarce214.141Show more
Baradero16.292Show more
Arrecifes20.896Show more
Benito Juárez221.849Show more
Berazategui766Show more
Berisso365.831Show more
Bolívar365.831Show more
Bragado83.707Show more
Brandsen83.707Show more
Campana9.662Show more
Cañuelas80.393Show more
Capitán Sarmiento12.616Show more