Actas de Nacimiento en Italia y otros registros de Genealogía Italiana

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• This query allows you to access the birth records of your Italian ancestors. You will find information about the name of their parents, commune of birth, date of birth and more.

• This is an ideal search tool to locate a birth certificate in Italy, learn more about your Italian family history and to help you with an Italian citizenship process.

Source: Gli Archivi for Anagraphic Research

NameOriginal DateProvince/State
Abbondanza Giuseppa Rocca01 Apr 1884CaltanissettaShow more
Abbondanza Iacovelli28 Feb 1892CampobassoShow more
Abbondanza Iapozzuto07 May 1892BeneventoShow more
Abbondanza Iapozzuto7 Mag 1892BeneventoShow more
Abbondanza Iapozzuto16 Mag 1896BeneventoShow more
Abbondanza Iovanni20 Set 1872BeneventoShow more
Abbondanza Libera de Francesco03 May 1903BeneventoShow more
Abbondanza Libera de Francesco3 Mag 1903BeneventoShow more
Abbondanza Lollo16 May 1898BeneventoShow more
Abbondanza Lollo16 Mag 1898BeneventoShow more
Abbondanza Maria Angela Tinella03 Jun 1881BariShow more
Abbondanza Maria Concetta Martuccio04 May 1867BeneventoShow more
Abbondanza Maria Concetta Martuccio4 Mag 1867BeneventoShow more
Abbondanza Maria Domenica Timperio29 Mar 1892CampobassoShow more
Abbondanza Maria Mannello7 Apr 1885BeneventoShow more
Abbondanza Maria Mascia18 Feb 1882BeneventoShow more
Abbondanza Maria Mascia18 Feb 1882BeneventoShow more
Abbondanza Maria Petroccione30 Giu 1876BeneventoShow more
Abbondanza Marino19 Sep 1882BeneventoShow more
Abbondanza Marino19 Set 1882BeneventoShow more