Actas de Defunción en Italia y otros registros de Genealogía Italiana

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• This query allows you to access the death records of your Italian ancestors. You will find information about the name of the deceased, and date and commune of death.

• This is an ideal search tool to locate a death certificate in Italy, learn more about your Italian family history and to help you with an Italian citizenship process.

Source: Gli Archivi for Anagraphic Research

NameOriginal DateProvince/State
Abbondanza Pozzuto11 Nov 1936BeneventoShow more
Abbondanza Pozzuto11 Nov 1936BeneventoShow more
Abbondanza Scafuri2 Apr 1831NápolesShow more
Abbondanza Sergi21 Sep 1920ReggioShow more
Abbondanza Soldoni2 Nov 1906RomaShow more
Abbondanza Stamura18 Ago 1910ChietiShow more
Abbondanza Tiberi19 Jul 1879RomaShow more
Abbondanza Vincenza Zeolla20 Feb 1933BeneventoShow more
Abbondanza Vincenza Zeolla20 Feb 1933BeneventoShow more
Abbondanza Vincenzina Guidi20 May 1942BeneventoShow more
Abbondanza Vincenzina Guidi20 Mag 1942BeneventoShow more
Abbondanza Zeolla11 Dec 1937BeneventoShow more
Abbondanza Zeolla11 Dic 1937BeneventoShow more
Abbondanzia Cerami11 Nov 1936CaltanissettaShow more
Abbondanzia Ferraro21 Dec 1810NápolesShow more
Abbondanzia Iaria03 Jan 1911ReggioShow more
Abbondanzia Iovanni27 May 1942BeneventoShow more
Abbondanzia Iovanni27 Mag 1942BeneventoShow more
Abbondio Agostiniani16 Jun 1916CremonaShow more
Abbondio AlbertiniUdineShow more